Monday, March 24, 2008

The 23rd Thing!

Yes, I made it to the 23rd Thing! What is it? We are tasked with writing about the 23 Things Program.

Personally, I thought the 23 Things program was terrific. I use technology every day and am addicted to surfing the web at home, but I learned something new things and found some cool sites. I thought some of the mashups were fun.

My favorite part of the program was learning things about my coworkers through their blogs. I work with some really interesting people. I love learning where people were from, what their hobbies are, and their thoughts about the technologies we used for the 23 Things. I really hope staff keep blogging!

I definitely think we should have a 23 Things - Part II. I think these programs add enrichment to the work we do, are a great creative outlet, and personally I think they are fun.


Wild Ride said...

OMG, tell me you didn't already finish! Girl, what does that do for the rest of us slackers?? ;)

SILVER said...

quite a enlightening moment for me- technology doesn't seem my forte.. but something that will come around and trip you up now and then if you're not prepared..

a good find..


from Reflections/ One day at a time

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Wow...impressive that you are doing this...and have done this! Some of these sites I know a little about...others...not a clue! Enjoyed your comments on my Bluebird post. :-) I think you were one of the few that didn't get totally grossed out by the worms. LOL Susan